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“대행 큰스님의 뜻으로 푼 금강경 영어로 만나다!
깨달은 선지식이 혜안으로 밝혀 놓은 마음세계의 진수를 명쾌한 영어로 녹여낸 이 책은 우리를 진정한 평안에 다다르게 하는 깊은 울림을 선사할 것입니다.”
“물질계에서의 생존을 위해 쫓고 쫓기며 발버둥쳐온 우리들의 습관적인 사고의 틀을 뛰어 넘어 세상과 삶을 새롭게 바라보며 살아가게 되는 한 차원 더 진화된 마음의 세계를 맛보게 되는 시간, 광대하게 펼쳐지는 한마음의 이치, 그 원대한 길로 들어서게 하는 최고의 방편”
깨달은 선지식이 혜안으로 밝혀 놓은 마음세계의 진수를 명쾌한 영어로 녹여낸 이 책은 우리를 진정한 평안에 다다르게 하는 깊은 울림을 선사할 것입니다.”
“물질계에서의 생존을 위해 쫓고 쫓기며 발버둥쳐온 우리들의 습관적인 사고의 틀을 뛰어 넘어 세상과 삶을 새롭게 바라보며 살아가게 되는 한 차원 더 진화된 마음의 세계를 맛보게 되는 시간, 광대하게 펼쳐지는 한마음의 이치, 그 원대한 길로 들어서게 하는 최고의 방편”
대행선사가 한글 뜻으로 풀어놓은 금강경은 여러 면에서 기존의 금강경 주석서나 해석서와는 다르다. 선사의 금강경 첫 구절은 그냥 “나는 이와 같이 들었다”가 아니다. 선사는 전통적인 “여시아문如是我聞”을 “만법萬法이 둘 아닌 한마음으로 통해 들고 남을 나는 들었노라”고 풀어내며, 부처님은 “일심이 만법, 만법이 일심이라 하셨다”는 강력한 메시지로 우리의 눈을 번쩍 뜨이게 한다. 선사禪師의 일갈은 ‘탁!’하고 우리들의 졸음을 여지없이 날려버리는 죽비소리만 같다. 그 어떤 금강경 해석에서도 볼 수 없었던 신선한 해석을 맛 볼 수 있다.
이 세상 모든 것에는 근본마음이 있다. 세상사 벌어지는 모든 일은 마음에서 비롯되었다. 눈에는 보이지 않고 손으로 잡을 수는 없지만, 우리는 이 근본마음을 통해 연결돼 있어서 ‘나’와 ‘너’가 둘 아니게 만물만생과 서로 소통하고 도우며 참다운 인간으로서의 삶을 살 수 있다. 그러니 자신의 근본마음을 믿고 걱정, 근심 기쁨, 슬픔, 행복, 전부를 거기에 내려놓고 가보라. 보이지 않는 자리가 오히려 나를 받쳐주고 지탱해 주고 살려내는 것을 체험하게 될 것이다. 더 나아가 이 책에서 알려주는 궁극의 도리를 몸소 깨닫는다면 대자유인이 되어 진정한 평안에 이를 수 있게 되리라.
〈Book Contents〉
This is Seon Master Daehaeng’s vernacular Korean translation of the Diamond Sutra, together with its English translation. First published in 1999, it is the Diamond Sutra as seen through the eyes of one who has already experienced fundamental nonduality that the Diamond Sutra points towards.
Throughout the Diamond Sutra, Seon Master Daehaeng focuses on the intertwined functioning of the seen and unseen, of what in Korean is sometimes called “One mind.” Because people are already well aware of the material and visible aspects of existence, she makes a particular emphasis on the role of the unseen and invisible functioning of this one mind.
She makes it abundantly clear that this is the starting point of all things when she translates the first verse of the sutra as, “All things in the universe arise from and return to, function and manifest through this nondual one mind. Thus I have perceived.” In the very next paragraph, she continued, saying that Buddha “…taught that one mind is the source of everything, and that all things and energies function as one through one mind.”
Seon Master Daehaeng teaches the Diamond Sutra through the lens of one mind, the great unfolding in which the energy of the whole is intimately connected with each of us. Through this energy, this one mind, we are directly connected with each and every other life and form, and are ceaselessly functioning together. And in the midst of this vast energy of one mind, there is no “I” that exists apart. There is no separate chunk that can be cut off, because inherently all beings are connected as one ̶ communicating, living, working together, and nourishing each other as one.
In ceaseless flowing and changing that is this impermanence of one mind, there isn’t the least trace of “I did,” because every part of what was involved in that has already changed and flowed away. Everything in this world arises and disappears within a web of cause and effect, with no instant that it is not ceaselessly changing. In the midst of this flowing, there is no moment or form that remains unchanged. Thus, there is no need to cling to that which has already flowed away.
Seon Master Daehaeng describes this ever-flowing nature of all things as “Emptiness.” It is not an emptiness where there is nothing, but rather a ceaselessly changing, overflowing whole that has no separate pieces that could be grasped and held up as a “thing.” It is “empty” of all labels and dualistic divisions. In the last chapter of the Diamond Sutra, she adds a verse that beautifully describes this emptiness of one mind, saying, “Flowers bloom and fade, bloom and fade, fade and bloom, at last bearing fruit.” This verse elegantly and concisely describes the truth of this world of the mind and the richness of this flowing whole.
이 세상 모든 것에는 근본마음이 있다. 세상사 벌어지는 모든 일은 마음에서 비롯되었다. 눈에는 보이지 않고 손으로 잡을 수는 없지만, 우리는 이 근본마음을 통해 연결돼 있어서 ‘나’와 ‘너’가 둘 아니게 만물만생과 서로 소통하고 도우며 참다운 인간으로서의 삶을 살 수 있다. 그러니 자신의 근본마음을 믿고 걱정, 근심 기쁨, 슬픔, 행복, 전부를 거기에 내려놓고 가보라. 보이지 않는 자리가 오히려 나를 받쳐주고 지탱해 주고 살려내는 것을 체험하게 될 것이다. 더 나아가 이 책에서 알려주는 궁극의 도리를 몸소 깨닫는다면 대자유인이 되어 진정한 평안에 이를 수 있게 되리라.
〈Book Contents〉
This is Seon Master Daehaeng’s vernacular Korean translation of the Diamond Sutra, together with its English translation. First published in 1999, it is the Diamond Sutra as seen through the eyes of one who has already experienced fundamental nonduality that the Diamond Sutra points towards.
Throughout the Diamond Sutra, Seon Master Daehaeng focuses on the intertwined functioning of the seen and unseen, of what in Korean is sometimes called “One mind.” Because people are already well aware of the material and visible aspects of existence, she makes a particular emphasis on the role of the unseen and invisible functioning of this one mind.
She makes it abundantly clear that this is the starting point of all things when she translates the first verse of the sutra as, “All things in the universe arise from and return to, function and manifest through this nondual one mind. Thus I have perceived.” In the very next paragraph, she continued, saying that Buddha “…taught that one mind is the source of everything, and that all things and energies function as one through one mind.”
Seon Master Daehaeng teaches the Diamond Sutra through the lens of one mind, the great unfolding in which the energy of the whole is intimately connected with each of us. Through this energy, this one mind, we are directly connected with each and every other life and form, and are ceaselessly functioning together. And in the midst of this vast energy of one mind, there is no “I” that exists apart. There is no separate chunk that can be cut off, because inherently all beings are connected as one ̶ communicating, living, working together, and nourishing each other as one.
In ceaseless flowing and changing that is this impermanence of one mind, there isn’t the least trace of “I did,” because every part of what was involved in that has already changed and flowed away. Everything in this world arises and disappears within a web of cause and effect, with no instant that it is not ceaselessly changing. In the midst of this flowing, there is no moment or form that remains unchanged. Thus, there is no need to cling to that which has already flowed away.
Seon Master Daehaeng describes this ever-flowing nature of all things as “Emptiness.” It is not an emptiness where there is nothing, but rather a ceaselessly changing, overflowing whole that has no separate pieces that could be grasped and held up as a “thing.” It is “empty” of all labels and dualistic divisions. In the last chapter of the Diamond Sutra, she adds a verse that beautifully describes this emptiness of one mind, saying, “Flowers bloom and fade, bloom and fade, fade and bloom, at last bearing fruit.” This verse elegantly and concisely describes the truth of this world of the mind and the richness of this flowing whole.

대행스님의 뜻으로 푼 금강경 (양장)